my relationship graph as below pic
Using MATCH (n:Person {name:'1'})-[]-()-[r]-(m) RETURN m,r
will return "4" and "5",but cannot get the relationship between "4" and "5",actually,"4" follow "5","r" just represent the friends of 4(4-->2) and 5(5-->3).
In spring data neo4j
@NodeEntity(label = "Person")
public class PersonTest {
private Long id;
@Property(name = "name")
private String name;
@Relationship(type = "Follow") //direction=Relationship.DIRECTION
private List<PersonTest> friends;
public interface PersonRepository extends Neo4jRepository<PersonTest,Long> {
@Query("MATCH (n:Person {name:{name}})-[]-()-[r]-(m) RETURN m,r")
Collection<PersonTest> graph(@Param("name") String name);
Collection<PersonTest> persons = personRepository.graph(name);
Iterator<PersonTest> result = persons.iterator();
while (result.hasNext()) {
for (PersonTest friend : p.getFriends()) {
// will get 2 and 3!
How to resolve this problem??get the relationship between "4" and "5".