First, your definitions are not exactly correct. I strongly recommand that you take a look at Vitali Zaidman's Overview of JavaScript Testing in 2018.
You will find the difference between the test types :
Unit Tests- Testing of individual functions or classes by supplying input and making sure the output is as expected.
Integration Tests- Testing processes or components to behave as expected, including the side effects.
UI Tests- (A.K.A Functional Tests) Testing scenarios on the product itself, by controlling the browser or the website, regardless of the internal structure to ensure expected behavior.
You will also learn about all the different test tools types, the available frameworks, and basically everything you need to get started and test your components.
Regarding which tests should be there to cover the absolute minimum, it's subjective. I personally like to tests every computed properties, watchers, lifecycle hooks and methods (everything that has logic in it), but it can be a bit much in your case, it's your call !
Edit :
You asked my how to write GOOD tests and, again, it's very subjective.
You can find a new way of doing things for every blog article.
What's most important is that every unit test must assert only one behavior. The tests structure is also very important
Here's an example, if I had to test a component that display products like in your case :
Note : Here I am using Jest and Vue Test Utils but you can use the framework you like, I am just showing you my way of doing it on very simple and straightforward parts.
My component has a computed property displayedProducts, that takes the products data and sort it by name in ascending or descending order, based on a order data.
// Products.spec.js
// Importing vue-test-utils methods (see the API doc :
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
// Importing the tested component
import Products from '@/[...]/Product';
describe('Products.vue', () => {
// vue-test-utils' wrapper and Vue instance, used in every tests
let wrapper;
let vm;
const productsMock = [{
name: 'First product',
}, {
name: 'Second product',
// Before each test, we mount a new instance
beforeEach(() => {
// Mounting and inject the products (see the complete documentation here :
wrapper = mount(Products, {
products: productsMock,
vm = wrapper.vm;
// Nested 'describe' to make your tests more verbose
describe('products', () => {
// Basic test, display the list ordered by names in ascending order
it('should display the products', () => {
// Test that the list is reversed when
it('should reverse the products list when ordering in descending order', () => {
vm.order = 'desc';
// [...] test that the order's default value is 'asc'
// [...] test that the list is sorted by the right value, etc...
Note that the tests are readable, going from the first describe
to the it
(example : Products.vue => products => should display the products
You really should read the entire Vue Test Utils documentation, to be familiar with every aspect of Vue.js' tests.