I have an event listener issue with angular universal.
I have a document-page-component which contains a method that is called on an image load:
<img src="{{pageImage}}" class="{{module.class}}" alt="{{module.alt}}" (load)="calculateImageSize()" #img>
Here is the component method, calculating dynamically the width and height of the image, and updating a property.
calculateImageSize() {
// Get naturalWidth and naturalHeight of the signature
this.imgWidth = this.img.nativeElement.naturalWidth;
this.imgHeight = this.img.nativeElement.naturalHeight;
// Change pageReady value to display the signatures
this.pageReady = true;
I have to do it this way because I don't know the size of the picture in advance, and I have to use this value to position elements on the page with those values.
The code works this way with a front-end Angular app, but the (load)
is never called in Angular Universal mode.
I tried another implementation of the onload, directly inside the component, this way:
ngAfterViewChecked() {
this.renderer.listen(this.img.nativeElement, 'load', () => {
Angular universal does not support it as well...
Do you have any idea of alternative to onload listener that would work for Angular Universal.
A couple way to fix the issue that I think of are: - To make the call of the image in a service, convert it to base64, and pass it to the image as source. - Create an image element and inject it on the page.
I would prefer an alternative to the onload event listener though, so if anyone has an idea, feel free to tip in! Or to build an image and