Background: I'm moving some clients to an AWS RDS SQL server instance. Each has two databases: one for their live data, and one for training data, which is a copy of their live data. The training database is kept up to date by routinely restoring it using the live database. Ideally these databases would be hosted on the same RDS instance, since they aren't that big and it would halve the cost of hosting.
The problem: Amazon has these limitations in their documentation:
You can't restore a backup file to the same DB instance that was used to create the backup file. Instead, restore the backup file to a new DB instance. Renaming the database is not a workaround for this limitation.
You can't restore the same backup file to a DB instance multiple times. That is, you can't restore a backup file to a DB instance that already contains the database that you are restoring. Renaming the database is not a workaround for this limitation.
So backing up the live database and restoring it to the training database as I normally would is out. Other than hosting two separate instances per client, what's my best option here?