I have am trying to create a Pivot Chart from a set of test data. It is almost working, but to show the chart the sum of data has to be in the Row Label Box.
I can do it easily by hand, but this is supposed to work using VBA. The rest of the table and chart is being generated using VBA and it works well, but I don't know how to move the SUM field into the Row Labels
Move Sum of Data from Column Label to Row Label:
Set dataRange = sourceSheet.Range(sourceSheet.Cells(startRow, 1), sourceSheet.Cells(currentRow - 1, startColumnVals + columnArraySize - 1))
Set pCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, dataRange)
Set pTable = pCache.createPivotTable(pivotSheet.Range("A42"))
' Page fields are the filters
Set pField = pTable.PivotFields("Result")
pField.Orientation = xlPageField
' Column fields will apprear in the Legend
Set pField = pTable.PivotFields("TestName")
pField.Orientation = xlColumnField
' Row Fields - don't know what to do here !
' Data field
For i = 0 To (columnArraySize - 1)
cellText = sourceSheet.Cells(startRow, startColumnVals + i).Text
Set pField = pTable.PivotFields(cellText)
pField.Orientation = xlDataField
pField.Name = "S" & cellText & "-" & i
pField.Function = xlSum
Set dataRange = pTable.TableRange1
Set pChaObj = pivotSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=10, Width:=1000, Top:=15, Height:=500)
Set pChart = pChaObj.Chart
pChart.SetSourceData dataRange
pChart.ChartType = xlLine