
I'm setting up about my 10th (test/demo) Action on Google, and the simulator ONLY supports me starting my brand new app via "Talk to my test app".

How do I get to the point I can say "Talk to {my app name here}"?

IN THE PAST, after setting up all the Action details (via 'Overview' screen), and clicking 'TEST DRAFT', it usually resolves and the simulator starts suggesting to me "Talk to {my app name here}".

But this time it's not happening. It's stuck on "Talk to my test app", and has been for almost 24 hours.

Does anyone know the magical incantation required to get the Actions Simulator to accept invocations using my actual app name?

I'm using Dialogflow, which was all setup using the Jovo framework actually - using 'jovo deploy' to stand up the Dialogflow agent and Actions config. I can't see that Jovo would have anything to do with the issue here, but you never know with software! All the config in Dialogflow and Actions looks good to me.

Hey there! I ran into a similar problem when I recorded a demo video for Jovo. It starts around here: youtu.be/6ypo5X6tKHc?t=8m53s. In the video, I change the invocation name and it even works when the console is telling you that the name is not allowed. Let me know if that helpsJan König
Hey @JanKönig, see my comment in the accepted answer below. It seems that Jovo creates multiple English 'locales' in Dialogflow (and hence they show up as 'Localized' locales in Actions). Haven't seen this DF feature before, and it confused me! And will surely confuse others. I reckon you need to cover this in the doco... Cheers.spechter
Oh, thanks! Yes, this is a design decision we had to make, as standard Alexa Skills are e.g. 'en-US', while DF agents are 'en'. Definitely need to work on making this more intuitive. Thanks for the feedbackJan König

1 Answers


What you've described sounds like it should work, but it sounds like you should double-check for any errors.

In the Actions Console, make sure you don't have any errors indicated on the overview screen. If you do (or even if you don't), click on the Edit button for stage 2: App Information.

enter image description here

In there, check the error messages to make sure they're not applying to the name or pronunciation. Make sure both the name and pronunciation are valid and accepted.

If you're working in more than one language, make sure these are set ok for all the languages you have set.

enter image description here

Test it from the Simulator link on the left navigation instead of going back through Dialogflow. They should do the same thing, but it sounds like it is possible that isn't taking in this case.