This is a follow-up question to a question I asked yesterday: CSRF token in Angular 4 CLI from Django
I have a backend Django server and a frontend Angular app. I am trying to submit a form in Angular to the Django backend with a POST. The problem is with CSRF tokens.
This is the Django view:
def empty_form(request):
if request.method=="POST":
message = "Post"
message = "Get"
return JsonResponse({'message': message})
And this is the Angular component:
send_sample_form() {
let d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
let expires:string = "expires=" + d.toUTCString();
let cpath:string = '/';
// this.cookieService.set('csrftoken', this.server_token, d, cpath, '', false);
this.cookieService.set('csrftoken', this.server_token);
let my_headers = new HttpHeaders(
'X-CSRFToken': this.server_token
{'my_form': this.sample_form.value},
{headers: this.server_token, withCredentials: true})
(response) => {
When the Angular and Django are separate servers (localhost:4200 and, the angular code does not get the CSRF token. When I run it in production mode and so there is only the Django server at, now the Angular component is able to extract the CSRF token with:
ngOnInit() {
this.http.get('', { observe: 'response' })
(response) => {
this.server_token = this.cookieService.get('csrftoken');
But I have tried every possible version of the set() method of Cookie Service and am still getting a 403 from Django.
this.cookieService.set('csrftoken', this.server_token, d, cpath, '', false); or this.cookieService.set('csrftoken', this.server_token);
To just check the Django server, I used Postman to send requests to my Django server. A get request gives me a CSRF token. And when I do a POST request, I need a CSRF cookie and a header 'X-CSRFToken' to get back a status 200 or I get a 403. So the Django server CSRF middleware seems to be working as it does give a 200 back when a request has a CSRF cookie and an XCSRFToken header.
I was trying to think if I can check in the Django view function if the request has the right CSRF cookie from the Angular frontend. I used 'csrf_exempt' to let the POST go through and was trying to find a way to extract the CSRF cookie and do a visual check but couldn't find a way to do that. Is there a way to extract a CSRF cookie in a Django view and print it out? Like?
The entire code is on my GitHub: