When creating resources in AWS CloudFormation from a yml (or json) template, is it possible to iterated over an array to keep the template brief and readable. For example, I have an Appsync project where I have to create a bunch of almost identical resolvers of AWS type "AWS::AppSync::Resolver". In the YML template used that I use with Cloud Formation, 1 such resource might look like this
Type: "AWS::AppSync::Resolver"
DependsOn: GraphQlSchema
Fn::GetAtt: [GraphQlApi, ApiId]
TypeName: Mutation #<---
FieldName: addPost #<----
Fn::GetAtt: [GraphQlLambdaDataSource, Name]
RequestMappingTemplate: |
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "addPost", #<---
"context": $util.toJson($context)
ResponseMappingTemplate: |
I might have a dozen or more of these resolvers and the only difference would be where I indicated with <----
. Is there any way to iterated over an array of values, say
- Field: addPost
Type: Mutation
- Field: allPosts
Type: Query
- Field: getPost
Type: Query
## etc...