Utilising Google Forms, I am submitting data to a spreadsheet. I am using Apps Script on the spreadsheet to trigger 'on form submit', to push the data into a table on a Google Document.
The first column in the Google Docs table contains the row ID relative to the row Id in the Google Sheet.
- For the purposes of my application, some Forms will require responses to be edited/updated.
- My script currently only adds new rows to the Google Docs table (including edits which I want to only edit the relevant row not submit on a new row). Obviously the Google Sheet row updates automatically without issue.
My train of thought to create a solution:
- I added the column to the Google Docs table containing a unique identifier (Spreadsheet Row ID)
- Question: When you're inside and editing a Google Form (that has already previously been submitted) does that activate a
in the Google Sheet? If it does I could check to see if it's an existing row. - Question: How can I search the Google Doc table's column containing the ID's? Once I identify the row how can I edit it? Is it something to do with
? Do tables in Google Docs handle differently to table in Google Sheets?
Do you think I am on the right path? Is there a far simpler solution I'm missing?
// Grab the Table
var body = DocumentApp.openById('theid').getBody(),
searchElement = body.findElement(DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE),
element = searchElement.getElement(),
table = element.asTable();
// Get the last row ID
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getLastRow();
// Insert the Row
var cells = [range, theDate, nameWelcome, interest, value, comment, offer];
var addRow = table.appendTableRow();
cells.forEach(function(e, i){
addRow.insertTableCell(i, e);
), and then inspect each row to determine if that row in the array has the same data as the form response you are editing. – tehhowch