I try to get compiler directive in a verilog parser which give me the true file name/path and the true current line in the non-preprocessed file.
Verilog language needs a preprocessing pass I have, but during the visit I have to know the current file name (which can't change by the `include directive) and so the true current line in the non-preprocessed file .
The preprocessing part add the verilog directive `line which indicates the current file and line. Then I send the preprocessed buffer to the antlr Lexer, parse and extract all verilog information with a visitor. I have to keep the verilog compiler `line directive in the verilog grammar description:
: '`line ' Decimal_number String Decimal_number '\n' -> channel(2)
Now, I don't know how to get this dedicated channel information at any point in the visitor? The target language for this parser is Python3.