Hi everyone I am working on a mock test, m y class extends of GroovyTestCase and I am trying to set up a property in the the void setUp method as you can see in:
void setUp()
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
inData = slurper.parse( new File( "src/test/resources/fixtures/v1/watch/20160511_watch_listings_live_in.json" ), 'UTF-8' )
outData = slurper.parse( new File( "src/test/resources/fixtures/v1/watch/20160511_watch_listings_live_out.json" ), 'UTF-8' )
watchPresenter = BinderTestUtils.instanceForLibraryNamed( "dang_v1_watch_presenter" )
watchPresenter.localTranslate = new LocalTranslateHelperTest( )
//def info = [ mapper: mapperMock]
//watchPresenter:[localTranslate:new LocalTranslateHelperTest( )]
println("watchPresenterTranslate:" + watchPresenter.localTranslate.getStrings("en"))
But I am getting the next error:
Cannot set readonly property: localTranslate for class WatchListingPresenterTests.
Do you know if is possible to set up a readOnly property as in this case?
In the real class I am using the localTranslate script just like this:
def strings = this.localTranslate.getStrings( params["lang"] )
I need to mock this property, but I am getting this error.
Thanks in advance.