I've been there too, but unfortunately, you can't just get the ID of the person who added your bot. But there certainly are solutions to this problem. I have a Discord bot too, and when the bot joins a new server, it finds the first channel where it can speak, check if it is a text channel and the bot has permission to speak there, and then sends a welcome message in the found channel.
Here's how I've done it:
client.on("guildCreate", guild => {
var found = false;
guild.channels.forEach(function(channel, id) {
// If a channel is already found, nothing more needs to be done
if(found == true || channel.type != "text") {
// If the channel isn't found and the bot has permission to
// send and read messages in the channel, send a welcome message there
if(guild.me.permissionsIn(channel).has("SEND_MESSAGES") && guild.me.permissionsIn(channel).has("VIEW_CHANNEL")) {
found = true;
return channel.send("Thanks for inviting me, blablabla")
For me it works perfectly, if you're having any issues with the code please let me know.