
Where does drupal store the temporary changes of a view in the database?

I know I can usually go into a view and click cancel, however, I have a view that's not working anymore and I can't edit it.

I already tried clearing cache_views and even replaced the views_display from an older working database state but didn't help, the only way I can partly solve it is to disable the module but then in the view, I can still see the newly added field and filter criteria (displayed as "Broken/missing handler") from before that should not be there with the old database import restored.

All changes are stored temporarily. Click Save to make your changes permanent. Click Cancel to discard your changes.

FYI I installed nodeviewcount module where I tried sorting by node view COUNT DISTINCT and now when trying to edit the view I get the bellow errors.

Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting!

Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0000  253992  {main}( )   .../index.php:0
2   0.0789  9184520 menu_execute_active_handler( )  .../index.php:21
3   0.0792  9187896 call_user_func_array:{/var/www/html/opigno/includes/menu.inc:527} ( )   .../menu.inc:527
4   0.0792  9188296 views_ui_edit_page( )   .../menu.inc:527
5   0.0792  9188376 views_ui_edit_page_display( )   .../admin.inc:917
6   0.0792  9188552 views_ui_edit_page_display_tabs( )  .../admin.inc:885
7   0.0793  9207696 view->validate( )   .../admin.inc:1492
8   0.0848  9944976 views_plugin_display->validate( )   .../view.inc:2074
9   0.0862  10124960    views_plugin_display->get_handlers( )   .../views_plugin_display.inc:2819
10  0.0870  10174656    views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric->init( )    .../views_plugin_display.inc:1001
11  0.0871  10179424    views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric->init( )    .../views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric.inc:19
12  0.0872  10183944    views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric->init( )    .../views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric.inc:19
249 0.1029  11255840    views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric->init( )    .../views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric.inc:19
250 0.1029  11256600    views_get_handler( )    .../views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric.inc:18
251 0.1030  11256696    _views_prepare_handler( )   .../views.module:1296
252 0.1030  11257400    _views_create_handler( )    .../handlers.inc:87
253 0.1030  11258688    views_object->construct( )  .../handlers.inc:65
254 0.1030  11258688    views_object->set_default_options( )    .../base.inc:61
255 0.1030  11258824    views_handler_sort->option_definition( )    .../base.inc:77
256 0.1030  11258824    views_handler->option_definition( ) .../views_handler_sort.inc:36
found it accidentally by creating a unique label name, which I then was able to find in the database lol, ctools_object_cache posted answer belowMarkus

1 Answers


I tried a lot but think I found it, please comment to confirm

it worked for me to clear ctools_object_cache

which seems to store those temporary changes.