
I execute the reload command from asterisk CLI:

  1. All the sip Registry gets unregistered.
  2. All the active calls gets disconnected.

I am using asterisk 13.16.0 version. Is this the default behavior or is there a problem here?


2 Answers


No, sure it is not default. Also there is no way config such behavour, so you have something wrong.


asterisk -rx "core show uptime"

If you have uptime <1 minute after reload, that mean you core crushed and you have go with "how to debug asterisk crash".

You also can check asterisk logs in /var/log/asterisk/


This issue was SIP provider-specific. When chan_sip is reloaded and the file sip.conf is modified (even if you touch the file) then Asterisk Sends the new Register request with newly generated Call-ID again to all the Registry present in sip.conf file. In my case when the SIP provider was getting this new Call-ID then this provider was dropping all the existing SIP sessions, thus causing all Calls to drop.

I fixed this by slightly modifying the reload functionality of chan_sip module.