
Apple rejected my app and sent this message:

Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 11.3 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.

Is it an IPv6 network support issue?

Did you have a url with IP adress in your app? IP adresses like cannot converted automatically to IPv6...thorb65
It may be nothing to do with IPv6 (or it may) They are just letting you know the environment they tested in. You need to look at any other information they have provided to see what happened. You should definitely test a TestFlight build on an IPv6 networkPaulw11

1 Answers


Apple will reject if your app is not supporting IPv6. Are you using NSURLConnection in your app? If so migrate immediately to NSURLSession. Apple has clearly explained about this in here: https://developer.apple.com/support/ipv6/