Angular material has this mat-expansion-panel and I want to put a bottom-border under the mat-expansion-panel-header.
The bottom-border shouldn't be full width and that's why I changed the position of it under mat-expansion-panel-header span.
The problem is that there are 2 spans, one is mat-title and other is mat-indicator which is an arrow that is either up or down, depending on whether mat-expansion is expanded or not. The problem arises on rotation. On safari, it rotates with no problem but with chrome, there is a slight delay when the border is set to the top and removed from the bottom because when the arrow rotates, everything is upside down.
The mat-indicator has a built-in "style='transform: rotate(0deg)'" or "style='transform: rotate(180deg)'"
- TL:DR MAIN QUESTION - Is there some css trick that can detect whether the rotate has a value of 0 or 180? For some reason, the classes of the indicator are identical whether it's up or down.