I'm starting out with NgRx and trying to get a very simple scenario up and running.
The problem:
I have a very simple service that is for now just returning a hard coded string value that I want to display on the UI by dispatching a CREATE action. Upon success the CREATE_SUCCESS action should be triggered, but the CREATE_SUCCESS action is never triggered
I expose 3 actions
export const CREATE = '[Profile] Create';
export const CREATE_SUCCESS = '[Profile] Create Success';
export const CREATE_FAIL = '[Profile] Create Fail';
export class CreateAction implements Action {
readonly type = CREATE;
constructor() { }
export class CreateSuccessAction implements Action {
readonly type = CREATE_SUCCESS;
constructor(public payload: any) { }
export class CreateFailAction implements Action {
readonly type = CREATE_FAIL;
constructor(public payload: any) { }
In the reducer I have the following
export interface State {
loading: boolean;
result: Observable<string>;
export const initialState: State = {
loading: false,
result: Observable.of('Default')
export function reducer(state = initialState, action: profile.Actions):State{
switch (action.type) {
case profile.CREATE: {
return {
loading: true
case profile.CREATE_SUCCESS: {
return {
result: action.payload,
loading: false
case profile.CREATE_FAIL: {
return {
loading: false,
default: {
return state;
In the effect I have the following
Please note: I moved the catch clause into the switchMap method as suggested in many other threads
export class ProfileEffects {
@Effect() create$ = this._actions$
.switchMap(payload => this._profileService.create$()
.map(res => ({ type: profile.CREATE_SUCCESS, payload: res }))
.catch(e => Observable.of({ type: profile.CREATE_FAIL, payload: e })));
private _profileService: ProfileService,
private _actions$: Actions
) { }
In my component I dispatch the CreateAction
created$: Observable<string>;
private _store: Store<any>,
public navCtrl: NavController
) {
this.created$ = this._store.select(s => s.profile.result.value);
this._store.dispatch(new CreateAction());
and on the UI I have
<div>{{ created$ | async }}</div>
In the dev tools it is evident that on the CREATE action was dispatched, but no CREATE_SUCCESS action
There is no error messages displayed within the console.
- try.ofType('[Profile] Create')
– Richard Matsenexport type Actions = CreateAction | CreateSuccessAction | CreateFailAction
on your Actions code. Do you have that in your code? – Richard Matsenthis._profileService.create$()
is not producing a value. Have you done any debugging in theswitchMap
to test it? – Richard Matsen