
I want to set the height of a vue component (to be specific it is this -> https://github.com/jbaysolutions/vue-grid-layout).

The height of which (in vue-grid-layout -> grid-item) should be same as of its parent.

And this also should be only in page load time. So how this can be achieved in vue js?

I don't want to do this using CSS. I need height in pixels. as to vue-grid-layout -> item height needs in pixel initially. as it is resizable, it can be changed afterwards.

Can't you use css for this? height: 100%?Ferrybig
added last line in question.Hello World

3 Answers


it would be easier to provide an accurate answer with some example html (your actual code), but the following should work in general.

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            parentHeight: 0
    mounted() {
        this.parentHeight = this.$parent.$el.offsetHeight;

So in the mounted lifecycle hook you can read the height of the parent and then set it where ever you need it.


No need for advanced javascript to calculate the height, just use styling:

height: 100%;


.parent {
    resize: both;
    overflow: auto;
    height: 100px;
    display: block;
    width: 100px;
    border: 1px solid black;

.child {
    height: 100%;
    background: pink;
<div class="parent">

<div class="parent">
    <div class="child">
         I'm a child!

I found a solution to fix the grid-layout height depending on available space. For that I have used folowing props: max-rows, row-height, margins, autoSize=false And ResizeObserver which will adjust grid-layout row-height according to available height after window resize. Also be aware that I used some Bootstrap classes for styling

  <div class="flex-grow-1 w-100">
        v-for="item in layout"
        <span class="remove" @click="removeItem(item.i)">x</span>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from '@vue/runtime-core';

interface GridItem {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  w: number;
  h: number;
  i: string;

interface State {
  layout: GridItem[];
  index: number;
  colCount: number;
  rowCount: number;
  rowHeight: number;
  observer: null | ResizeObserver;
  margin: number[];

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'VideoWall',
  data(): State {
    return {
      layout: [
        { x: 0, y: 0, w: 2, h: 2, i: '0' },
        { x: 2, y: 0, w: 2, h: 4, i: '1' },
        { x: 4, y: 0, w: 2, h: 5, i: '2' },
        { x: 6, y: 0, w: 2, h: 3, i: '3' },
        { x: 8, y: 0, w: 2, h: 3, i: '4' },
      index: 0,
      colCount: 36,
      rowCount: 36,
      rowHeight: 40,
      margin: [5, 5],
      observer: null,
  mounted() {
    this.observer = new ResizeObserver(this.onResize);

    if (this.$el instanceof Element) {
    } else {
      console.log('VideoWall: Failed to bind observer');
  unmounted() {
    if (this.observer) {
  methods: {
    onResize(entries: ResizeObserverEntry[]): void {
      this.rowHeight =
        Math.floor(entries[0].contentRect.height / this.rowCount) -