I'm trying to create a custom metric to evaluate a keras model. The evaluation consist in returning 1 if y_true and y_pred are both higher or lower than a certain value (in my case 5), 0 otherwise. The following lambda expression is a demo stating what I want to achieve
lambda y_pred, y_true : 1 if y_true > 5 and y_pred > 5 or y_true < 5 and y_pred < 5 else 0
I've tried to implement it on a custom keras model doing the following:
def SAGR(y_true, y_pred):
maj = K.greater([y_true, y_pred], 5)
men = K.less([y_true, y_pred], 5)
aremaj= K.all(maj)
aremen = K.all(men)
res = K.any([aremaj, aremen])
return K.mean(K.cast(res,'float32'))
But the function always return 0.
The output of the last layer is linear with shape [None, 2]. Can anyone please explain me a way to implement the custom metric?