I'm unsure how to explain the following: My table has a self-referential pointer to another row within the same table by ID, e.g.
@Table(name = "questions_t", schema = "public")
public class QuestionsT implements java.io.Serializable {
private QuestionsT relatedQuestion;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "related_question_id")
public QuestionsT getRelatedQuestion() {
return relatedQuestion;
The Fetch Strategy is FetchType.LAZY.
But nonetheless, after getting a list of initial Questions in my app, if I do this
the property of a related question comes back correct and filled-out. This is not what I expected with LAZY. I expected that the original Question object's Parent Question would have a minimally filled out body (maybe with just the ID), but any further info about the Related Question (a child object) would require an extra manual fetch.
I see that when I execute the get Property, Hibernate does 1 Select behind the scenes -- is that automatic?