I have configured Azure B2C as IDP via SAML successfully for a single Service Provider. There are many pieces that i don't understand in this setup even though its working. I will describe what i have so far and then ask questions later.
Let's say I have two Service Providers,SP1/SP2 both require SAML and a page to signup/signin. SP1 requires loyality_id as custom attribute and SP2 requires product_name attribute.
Here's the source code that works. Credit/Thanks to this blog
Below is the high level summary of the configuration.
SAML for SP1 (Service Provider 1):
- Add signing and encryption keys to the B2C tenant
- Register Identity Experience Framework applications
- Create web app IdentityExperienceFramework in Azure Active Directory
- Create native app ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework in Azure Active Directory
- Start from starter pack for LocalAccounts as base
- Add Saml2AssertionIssuer to the base policy
- Add user journey SignInSaml to the base policy
- In Extension Policy override "Local Account SignIn" claims provider and add substitute values for "client_id" and "IdTokenAudience" from apps that were created earlier
- Policy file with RelyingParty for SP1
- This describes the output claims that are added to the SAML response
Signup/signin policies for SP1:
- Create built-in signup and sigin policy
- Create Application in Azure B2C blade
So far with this setup, I have two Applications in Azure Active Directory for custom policies and one Application in Azure B2C blade for built-in policy.
According to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/active-directory-b2c-create-custom-attributes-profile-edit-custom,
Extension properties can only be registered on an Application object even though they may contain data for a User. The property is attached to the application. The Application object must be granted write access to register an extension property.
- What is the "Application" the above paragraph is referring to?
- What is the purpose of the apps IdentityExperienceFramework/ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework
- To setup for SP2, do I need to create separate Azure Active directory apps for IdentityExperienceFramework/ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework? Or can I use the same ones? How do custom attributes factor in this?
- How do I setup custom attributes in this case where SAML is through Custom policy and Signin/Signup is builtin policy
- In this case, under what App context are the custom attributes created?
I appreciate any pointers.