
I'm deploying Spring Cloud Dataflow 1.4.0.RELEASE on my org's Cloud Foundry. I took the CF deployable server and used a manifest to deploy it. We use it mostly for tasks developed using Spring Cloud Task. In the documentation (that uses PCF) suggests this configuration:


Where my_mysql is the DB to keep track of task related information. Documentation suggests using this as CF's cups but that won't work since my org uses Vault to store keys and secrets so DB connections are not allowed in such way. Since I did not provided any value for SPRING_CLOUD_DEPLOYER_CLOUDFOUNDRY_TASK_SERVICES in my manifest when I start SPDF it throws an error indicating that bean "taskService" could not be created. Haven't found a workaround for this. Is this the only way to specify DB connection for tasks in version 1.4?


1 Answers


You can also pass a deployment property when launching the task:

task launch --name mytask --properties "deployer.mytask.cloudfoundry.services=-Duser.timezone=my_mysql"

This way, you don't have to use the server level environment property SPRING_CLOUD_DEPLOYER_CLOUDFOUNDRY_TASK_SERVICES