
i'm developing a system that will take the user input and safe it in access file as database for registration system

 DBClass DB = new DBClass();
    DB.WrieToDatabase(jTextFieldID.getText(), jTextFieldname.getText(), jTextFieldemail.getText(), jPasswordFieldpass.getText(), jComboBoxgendar.getSelectedItem() +"" );

but when i run the code it gives the following error message:

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:Driver=(Microsoft Access Driver (*.accdb)};DBQ=store.accdb;DriverID=22;READONLY=false} Error: Record could not be inserted into the database


1 Answers


From your Error above ,You are missing a Database driver.Based on the version of MS Access file you are using you have to download a database driver. Here is a link for DB driver for MS Access 2010