I am trying to make a Symfony bundle. But I am unable to read the ENV vars I use in the config. (They are only loaded as placeholder) I created a config tree, with some values I'd like an application to use with ENV vars.
The applications config file looks like this:
config_value: "%env(NAME_OF_ENV_VALUE)%"
My Bundle extension class looks like:
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container): void
$loader = new XmlFileLoader(
new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config')
$configuration = new Configuration();
$config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);
The result of the print_r($config)
looks like:
[config_value] => env_NAME_OF_ENV_VALUE_2ae7ade5b0635007828f2e7e6765cd4d
Also, I am getting this exception:
Environment variables "ENV_VAR_NAME" are never used. Please, check your container's configuration. in PhpDumper.php (line 271)
Now, my question is
How do I (what turns out to be an ENV placeholder) into the actual value of the ENV var?
Some things I tried
I know there is a ContainerBuilder->compile(true)
option, which is supposed to resolve these ENV vars. But I can't figure out where I should put this in my bundle. Everything I tried gives errors.
I also know there is a CompilerPass (Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPass) which (according to the name) is supposed to Resolve the env vars, but this doesn't do anything. I tried adding $container->addCompilerPass(new ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPass());
to my Bundle class' build() method, but nothing happens.
Some additional info
- I'm using Symfony 4,
- PHP 7.2
- Tested this both on Mac OS and Windows 7.
- The ENV var is loaded correctly. print_r($_ENV) shows this.