
I'm using the PrimeNG AutoComplete component in my reactive ng5 form. I've been unable to find a way to re-load the form values on page load and set the AutoComplete to a value.

The AutoComplete is mapped to an array of objects. I use the field property to tell it which field to display. What I want to pass back to my API is actually a different property. Because the AutoSelect is setting the FormControl value to the entire object I'm able to grab the property I need, although I wish there was a way to have it just set the value to the property I need. But my real problem is that I can't select a value.

I've tried:

  • setValue/patchValue (setting to a POJO and a value that matches the field - neither work)
  • setting a default value when I create the FormControl

This is what the HTML looks like:

 <form [formGroup]="preferences">
    <div class="row" style="padding-top:25px;">
      <div class="col-md-12">
          <p>Station (or UTC) to use for time on graphical displays. Start typing for options:</p>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-1">
        <p-autoComplete formControlName="station" [suggestions]="filteredStations" (completeMethod)="filter($event)" field="code" [size]="30"
            placeholder="Station" [minLength]="1" forceSelection="true"></p-autoComplete>

And the reactive form:

 this.preferences = this.formBuilder.group({
      station: new FormControl(),
      timeDisplay: new FormControl('utc'),
      itemsPerPage: new FormControl('7')

I've tried various ways of setting the value but nothing ends up showing up in the UI.

this.preferences.controls['station'].setValue( {
          stationID: 0,
          code: 'UTC',
          description: 'UTC',
          isActive: true,
          modifiedBy: '',
          modifiedOn: '',

There seems to be a lot of open threads on PrimeNGs forum about this and I have yet to find anything online that uses this with a reactive form. Advice would be appreciated!

TL;DR: I can't programatically populate the PrimeNG AutoComplete in my reactive form. Any examples of how to do this would be appreciated.


3 Answers


I ended up somewhat solving this problem by using a plain array of strings to populate the autocomplete instead of an array of objects.

Once I removed the field attribute from p-autocomplete I was able to programatically set the the value in the autocomplete using any of the normal methods for changing a form value.

<p-autoComplete formControlName="station" [suggestions]="filteredStations" (completeMethod)="filter($event)" [size]="30"
            placeholder="Station" minLength="1" maxlength="3" forceSelection="true"></p-autoComplete>

this.preferences.patchValue({ station: preferences.station }, { emitEvent: false });

This is a working solution for my current scenario that I can get by with for now. I am still hoping to find a solution that will allow me to use more complex data with their autocomplete while still being able to populate the value myself on page load.


No need to remove the field attribute...

For a declaration, in the html, like this

<p-autoComplete field='AttributeValueDisplayName' dataKey='AttributeValue' formControlName="EOM_DT" [suggestions]="filteredEOM_DTs" (completeMethod)="filterLookup($event,'EOM_DT')" [minLength]="1" placeholder="Select Month End" [dropdown]="true" [autoHighlight]="true" [forceSelection]="true" (onFocus)="onFocus($event)" (click)="onFocus($event)" (onSelect)="onLookupSelected($event,'EOM_DT')" dropdownMode="blank" id="EOM_DT"></p-autoComplete>

I could pre-select by filling in the drop-down this way:

this.paramsForm.patchValue({ EOM_DT: {"AttributeValueDisplayName": '(blank)', "AttributeValue": ''}});

I had a similar issue. I wanted to set the default value and I wanted to update it. Removing field attribute fixed the issue. But I was not able to update by selecting auto populate value. You can use field attribute along with dataKey attribute to add patch values into reactive form primeng autocomplete.

in html

 <p-autoComplete formControlName="station" [suggestions]="filteredStations" (completeMethod)="filter($event)" field="code" dataKey="code" [size]="30"
            placeholder="Station" [minLength]="1" forceSelection="true"></p-autoComplete>

in ts

code:<default value>