Well thats the question, imagine i have 2 rules. The second rule depends on the first rule. For example:
(deftemplate person
(slot name (type STRING))
(slot age (type STRING))
(deffacts start
(person(name "Mike")(age "20"))
(person(name "Laura")(age "22"))
(person(name "Dean")(age "22"))
(person(name "Charlie")(age "22"))
(defrule filterage
(person (name ?n)(age ?a))
(test (eq ?a "22"))
(assert (is-equal-to-22 ?n))
(defrule creategroup
(is-equal-to-22 ?c)
(assert (is-in-22-years-old-group ?c))
And as expected the second rule fires any time it has something from rule 1.
So, how can i make the second rule wait till all persons are created, without using declare salience