I am new to arangodb. I am going to use arangodb to perform algorithms on a road network.
I found this https://github.com/arangodb-helper/osm-2-graph?files=1
I tried to import the edges file, vertices file into arangodb using arangoimp (in json format).
But I could see only single node always. It doesn't get expand after clicking expand button. Full network view only shows nodes, no edges.
Could you give correct steps with commands ? Seems I have trapped somewhere.
I used Monaco osm map. Using arangodb 3.2 version
Edit 1 : my commands as follows
arangoimp --file V-CA.json --collection vertices --create-collection true --type json
created: 1896 warnings/errors: 0 updated/replaced: 0 ignored: 0
arangoimp --file E-CA.json --collection edges --create-collection true --type json --create-collection-type edge
created: 256 warnings/errors: 0 updated/replaced: 0 ignored: 0
OSM to graph file conversion
python convert-pbf.py monaco.osm
Edit 2
I observed same results after using 3.3.7
I saw it shows
250 nodes 0 0 edges
at he botton after "Load full graph". But at the import it shows 1896 vertices. Is it showing part of vertices only?