I would like to know how to add additional parameters to Laravel's Route Resource without using Query Strings.
I created a controller (CustomerController) with all the built-in resources and then, added the following route:
Route::resource('customers', 'CustomerController');
What i would like to do is add additional parameters to some of the default resources without creating custom routes or using query strings. For example:
Default resource with optional parameter (index):
public function index($page = 0)
Desired URL:
I tried the following, but i get a not found exception (NotFoundHttpException):
Route::resource('customers', 'CustomerController')->parameters([
'index' => 'page'
Is this possible? If so, how can i accomplish it?
work in Laravel. You can exclude the routes you want to override and define them manually. Remember, Laravel is opinionated, but you can change it's opinion whenever you please. – Ohgodwhy