I am trying to setup SonarQube with jenkins which builds when triggered by a push to the git repo I set.
I was able to install the scanner plugin and configure it all fine but the problem I am encountering is that, when I add Sonar scanner to my build step, in the analysis properties section, it requires me to set the sonar.sources property. However, I want the scanner to parse through the files in my git repo not the files on my machine.
How can I set the properties so that the scanner analyzes the project from the repo?
I am using : Jenkins 2.107.1, SonarQube 7.0, Sonar Scanner 3.1.0
I currently have the following in my analysis properties:
- sonar.projectKey=projKey
- sonar.projectName=projName
- sonar.projectVersion=1.0
- sonar.sources={path}
- sonar.java.binaries={path}
- sonar.projectBaseDir={path}