I recently found a small game on the Google Play app store called Cryptogram. There are dozens of apps similar to this one. The idea is to match the number to the colors such that all of the equations sound true.
I was able to get through problems 1-8 and problem 10 fairly quickly by hand, but problem 9 has proven to be more difficult for me.
After some time tinkering and guessing, I gave up and decided to program a solution. I have used Prolog/Datalog for some small tasks as an undergrad as well as some Project Euler problems. Previously I had seen the 15 line Sudoku solver that uses Prolog's Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains (clpfd) library, and I decided to give it a go myself. I'm using SWI-Prolog.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
problem(Colors) :-
Colors = [Pink, Cyan, Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, Brown, White, Lime],
Colors ins 0..9,
% The leading digit of a number can't be 0
Pink #\= 0,
Red #\= 0,
White #\= 0,
Green #\= 0,
Lime #\= 0,
Cyan #\= 0,
% I originally tried to write a predicate generalizing numbers and a list of digits
% but got in way over my head with CLPFD.
Number1_1 #= (Pink * 1000) + (Cyan * 100) + (Pink * 10) + Yellow,
Number1_2 #= (Green * 10) + Purple,
Number1_3 #= (Cyan * 100) + (Red * 10) + Purple,
Number2_1 #= (Red * 1000) + (Brown * 100) + (White * 10) + Red,
Number2_2 #= (Lime * 10) + Yellow,
Number2_3 #= (Red * 1000) + (Lime * 100) + (Purple * 10) + Pink,
Number3_1 #= (White * 1000) + (Purple * 100) + (Cyan * 10) + White,
Number3_2 #= (Green * 1000) + (Cyan * 100) + (Yellow * 10) + Purple,
Number3_3 #= (Cyan * 1000) + (Red * 100) + (Yellow * 10) + Red,
% I'm not 100% sure whether to use floored or truncated division here.
% I thought the difference would be a float vs integer output,
% but that doesn't make sense with finite domains.
Number1_1 // Number1_2 #= Number1_3,
Number1_1 rem Number1_2 #= 0,
Number2_3 #= Number2_1 + Number2_2,
Number3_3 #= Number3_1 - Number3_2,
Number3_1 #= Number1_1 - Number2_1,
Number3_2 #= Number1_2 * Number2_2,
Number3_3 #= Number1_3 + Number2_3.
The output when I run this query in SWI-Prolog makes me feel like I'm misunderstanding a big concept in CLPFD:
?- problem([Pink, Cyan, Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, Brown, White, Lime]).
Pink in 3..9,
all_distinct([Pink, Cyan, Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, Brown, White|...]),
Cyan in 1..7,
Yellow in 0..9,
Green in 1..7,
Purple in 0..9,
Red in 1..7,
Brown in 0..9,
White in 2..8,
Lime in 1..9,
_7756 in 1103..7568,
_8096 in 110..779,
_7810 in 3334..9799,
_7810 rem _8216#=0,
_8048 in 2313..8778,
_7946 in 1213..7678,
_7994 in 1100..7565,
_8216 in 12..79,
_8162 in 14..99,
_8294 in 1021..7486.
I would expect each color in the color list to bind to a single distinct integer in the range 0..9, but that's not what's happening. Can you help me find the solution to this problem?
So I picked an arbitrary color and started assigning it numbers in the range that the constraint says should be valid. I ran this query with Cyan bound to 1.
?- problem([Pink, 1, Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, Brown, White, Lime]).
Which doesn't make sense. The previous "output" says "Cyan in 1..7", which I thought meant that any value in that range is valid. However, if I pick another arbitrary value for Cyan:
?- problem([Pink, 2, Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, Brown, White, Lime]).
Pink = 7,
Yellow = 6,
Green = 3,
Purple = 4,
Red = 1,
Brown = 8,
White = 5,
Lime = 9.
I get the answer I was looking for. Though the Cryptogram is solved, I still don't understand why Prolog's CLPFD library didn't find it completely independently.
I used your suggestions to clean up the code. I also reintroduced the predicate which relates digits to numbers. This code chunk works perfectly.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digit_number(0, [], 1).
digit_number(Number, [Digit|Tail], DigitPlace) :-
digit_number(NextNumber, Tail, NextDigitPlace),
DigitPlace #= NextDigitPlace * 10,
PlaceNumber #= Digit * (NextDigitPlace),
Number #= PlaceNumber + NextNumber.
digit_number(Number, ColorList) :-
digit_number(Number, ColorList, _).
problem(Colors) :-
Colors = [Pink, Cyan, Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, Brown, White, Lime],
Colors ins 0..9,
digit_number(Number1_1, [Pink, Cyan, Pink, Yellow]),
digit_number(Number1_2, [Green, Purple]),
digit_number(Number1_3, [Cyan, Red, Purple]),
digit_number(Number2_1, [Red, Brown, White, Red]),
digit_number(Number2_2, [Lime, Yellow]),
digit_number(Number2_3, [Red, Lime, Purple, Pink]),
digit_number(Number3_1, [White, Purple, Cyan, White]),
digit_number(Number3_2, [Green, Cyan, Yellow, Purple]),
digit_number(Number3_3, [Cyan, Red, Yellow, Red]),
Number1_1 // Number1_2 #= Number1_3,
Number1_1 rem Number1_2 #= 0,
Number2_1 + Number2_2 #= Number2_3,
Number3_1 - Number3_2 #= Number3_3,
Number1_1 - Number2_1 #= Number3_1,
Number1_2 * Number2_2 #= Number3_2,
Number1_3 + Number2_3 #= Number3_3,