I was introduced to the PIC some 15yrs ago, and haven't really touched it since. I now want to start a project requiring (I think) a PIC, but all my software/hardware seems antiquated and/or obsolete. I've upgraded the early PIC16F877 to a PIC16F18877 and am currently waiting for my ICD3 to arrive, I'm hopeing I can still use my Dev board (ICD Demo Board rev1 by Advanced Transdata Co).
I've downloaded and aquainted myself with the MPLAB X IDE and associated 'C' compiler, however when I was messing with PIC's, one of the options for output testing etc was through the RS232 to a hyperterminal on the PC.
However, the ICD3 is connected by USB, and although the old Dev Board has an RS232 'D' type socket, the PC (Win7) has no Hyperterminal software or COM sockets. Digging around on here I think I need to use a USB 2.0 to TTL UART 6PIN CP2102 Module Serial Converter from the Dev board to the PC's USB sockets but how can I see the output on screen, or should I be using some other method?