Whatever happens within one pool (even cross-lane) is your flow. You do not use notifications there.
Now if the seller has to notify the administrator and at the same time keep working on the order, you have to flows happening in parallel. So add your parallel gateway (diamond with a plus inside) and continue with two flows, one for the main process and second going to the administrator tasks. If you need to notify in some formalised way you may add a task Notify administrator
but it's then moving on to administrator's task with a normal flow of the process and not a message (like when going to other pool).
If you don't have to process anything more or you pass the information to the administration and wait with further steps until they finishes their job, you just have a simple flow without gateway here and once the administrator finishes go back with your flow to your lane and continue as needed.
Simple rule of thumb:
Message and only message goes from one pool to another.
Flow and only flow stays within the pool (it can cross lanes).
Data is auxiliary and not considered here.