I created a AWS Lambda function to send alert mails(SNS) whenever a EC2 instance changes state, which works perfectly fine. I did this by creating a rule in cloudWatch to trigger my lambda function & it captures all the instance details and publishes SNS to send out mails.
Current Feature: 1. Triggering point - A change in instance state 2. Lambda triggered - Captures instance state (running/stopped) 3. Lambda publishes the SNS mail - Mail has instance state details (running/stopped) about all EC2 instances even the instance which state is not changed.
Required Feature: 1. Triggering point - A change in instance state 2. Lambda triggered - Captures instance state (running/stopped) 3. Lambda publishes the SNS mail - Mail should send instance state details (running/stopped) only about the ec2 instances which got changed.
Thanks in advance!
Lambda Code:
import boto3
import json
import logging
import datetime
import os
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from datetime import timedelta
region ='us-east-1'
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2',region)
client = boto3.client('ec2',region)
snsClient = boto3.client('sns',region)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
global stop
global start
stop = ec2.instances.filter(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['stopped']}])
start = ec2.instances.filter(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}])
for instance1 in stop:
print('Ec2 Instances which are stopped: ', 'Instance ID: ', instance1.id, 'Instance state: ', instance1.state, 'Instance type: ',instance1.instance_type)
for instance2 in start:
print('Ec2 Instances which are running: ', 'Instance ID: ', instance2.id, 'Instance state: ', instance2.state, 'Instance type: ',instance2.instance_type)
def publish_sns():
print('Publish Messsage to SNS Topic')
subject_str = 'Alert! EC2 Instances Started / Stopped'
affected_instances1 = [instance1.id for instance1 in stop]
affected_instances2 = [instance2.id for instance2 in start]
DT = datetime.datetime.now() + timedelta(hours = 5.5)
Waqt = DT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
msg = '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nHello Team, \n\nFollowing EC2 instances have been started / stopped: \n\nStopped instances: \n'+ str(affected_instances1)+ '\n\nStarted instances: \n'+str(affected_instances2)+'\n\nInstance state changed time IST: '+str(Waqt)+'\n\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'
response = snsClient.publish(TopicArn=os.environ['SNSARN'],Message=msg,Subject=subject_str)