I try to use jenkins pipeline to upload gradle artifacts to the maven repository. I have followed Working With Pipeline Jobs in Jenkins
As mentioned in the referenced document, the rtGradle.run
shall deploy build artifacts to the artifactory. However, no build artifacts are deployed in my case.
I have checked the content of buildInfo.getDeployableArtifacts
and figured out that it is empty.
Following some hints, I have put the following code to my build.gradle
apply plugin: 'maven-publish' publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { artifact file("bmo-interface-common/build/libs/bmo-interface-common-${version}.jar") } } }
However, the previous doesn't help and still no artifact is deployed.
Where is the problem? What do I miss?
Thanks for any input.
I have forget to add server setting for the gradle deployer. With this setting the deployment was successful.