I'm trying to modify an instance's tags list using the goolge compute engine API for Java. My pom.xml imports this dependency:
I can execute the action that will update the tags associated with a VM successfully:
public boolean setInstanceTags(Compute computeConnection, ArrayList<String> nwTags, String projectId, String zone, String instanceName) {
Instance instance = computeConnection.instances().get(projectId, zone, instanceName).execute();
Tags tagsToSet = new Tags();
tagsToSet.setItems(new ArrayList<String>());
for (String tag: nwTags) {
Operation setTagsOperation = computeConnection.instances().setTags(projectId, zone, instanceName, tagsToSet).execute();
In order to get feedback on whether that operation succeeded I would like to pull the operation status as follows:
String setTagsOperationId = setTagsOperation.getName();
setTagsOperation = computeConnection.globalOperations().get(projectId, setTagsOperationId).execute();
This throws this error:
"code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Required 'compute.globalOperations.get' permission for 'projects/myproject/global/operations/operation-1523604756600-569b5e04b94c3-a87939f4-4e293939'", "reason" : "forbidden" } ], "message" : "Required 'compute.globalOperations.get' permission for 'projects/myproject/global/operations/operation-1523604756600-569b5e04b94c3-a87939f4-4e293939'"
But the service account I'm using does have the "Compute Admin" IAM role and my code is also setting the admin scope:
SCOPES = Arrays.asList(ComputeScopes.COMPUTE);
I'm using the same account/permissions to create firewall rules and pull the status on those operations successfully. Not sure why there is a difference in permissions for pulling operation status for instances.setTags operations and firewalls.insert. The only hint I found is when pulling data on the firewalls.insert operation the 'selfLink' shows that the operation is located in the global scope:
where as the instances.setTags operation selfLink shows that this operation is located in a specific zone: