A nice way of encoding this is to lean on the traversal provided by Data.Foldable.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable #-}
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
We can derive an instance of it automatically using an extension, but we need to reorder the fields of the Node constructor to provide us an in-order traversal.
While we're at it, we should eliminate the constraints on the data type itself. They actually provide no benefit, and has been removed from the language as of Haskell 2011. (When you want to use such constraints you should put them on instances of classes, not on the data type.)
data BST a
= Void
| Node
{ left :: BST a
, val :: a
, right :: BST a
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Foldable)
First we define what it means for a list to be strictly sorted.
sorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
sorted [] = True
sorted [x] = True
sorted (x:xs) = x < head xs && sorted xs
-- head is safe because of the preceeding match.
Then we can use the toList
method provided by Data.Foldable
and the above helper.
isBST :: Ord a => BST a -> Bool
isBST = sorted . toList
We can also implement this more directly, like you asked. Since we removed the spurious constraints on the data type, we can simplify the definition of your fold.
cata :: (b -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> BST a -> b
cata _ z Void = z
cata f z (Node l x r) = f (cata f z l) x (cata f z r)
Now we need a data type to model the result of our catamorphism, which is that we either have no nodes (Z
), or a range of strictly increasing nodes (T
) or have failed (X
data T a = Z | T a a | X deriving Eq
And we can then implement isBST
isBST' :: Ord a => BST a -> Bool
isBST' b = cata phi Z b /= X where
phi X _ _ = X
phi _ _ X = X
phi Z a Z = T a a
phi Z a (T b c) = if a < b then T a c else X
phi (T a b) c Z = if b < c then T a c else X
phi (T a b) c (T d e) = if b < c && c < d then T a e else X
This is a bit tedious, so perhaps it would be better to decompose the way we compose the interim states a bit:
cons :: Ord a => a -> T a -> T a
cons _ X = X
cons a Z = T a a
cons a (T b c) = if a < b then T a c else X
instance Ord a => Monoid (T a) where
mempty = Z
Z `mappend` a = a
a `mappend` Z = a
X `mappend` _ = X
_ `mappend` X = X
T a b `mappend` T c d = if b < c then T a d else X
isBST'' :: Ord a => BST a -> Bool
isBST'' b = cata phi Z b /= X where
phi l a r = l `mappend` cons a r
Personally, I'd probably just use the Foldable instance.