
Angular - Material lists their documentation, and part of that includes an api for each component, for example their <mat-select> component:


What is the proper method to include these api items, as they are not to be found on their website and it is unclear on where each item should be applied.


1 Answers


Handy tips for using Angular - Material API docs (I have no idea why they don't include this type of info somewhere easy to access):

@Input(...) means that it is an attribute attached to a DOM element e.g. <mat-select ariaLabel="Custom aria label">

@Output() are defined emitted events that can be access through a ViewChild and Observable.

The rest of the definitions are typically methods that can be accessed through a ViewChild.

note: To see how to access the material elements with ViewChild check out this SO answer: Angular 2 material mat-select programmatically open/close