I am currently trying to learn vue and struggling with the whole component concept.
Let's say I have some components that define tabs(like browser tabs).
This component has a prop called name
So you'd maybe use the component like so:
<tab :name="tab.display_name"></tab>
However lets say things need to be a bit more complex. Like for example, you don't just want the name to be a string, but regular HTML. Okay, so, you can use the prop in a v-html
directive and use the tab component like this:
<tab :name="'<span class=\'fancy-styling\'>' + tab.display_name + '</span>'"></tab>
This one took me a while to figure out because of all the quotes. Is there a way to escape this escape hell(pun totally intended)?
How could I take it this out into its own snippet/template?
And what if we make it even more complex - say we require the prop be a vue component?
<tab :name="'<my-custom-component @click="onClick()">' + tab.display_name + '</my-custom-component>'"></tab>
The last one is invalid on a number of levels, not the least of which being the mess of quotes.
How would I accomplish this? What is the best approach?
<tab :name=`<span class="fancy-styling">${tab.display_name}</span>`></tab>
Use ES6 template literals which have been created to solve the escaping and concatenation hell. – connexo<tab :name="`<span class='fancy-styling'>${tab.display_name}</span>`"></tab>
So I would not say this is escaping any hell, merely delaying the problem. – martixy