
I am getting the Build: SUCCESS message on jenkins Console output, but not the detailed result like Iterations, executed vs failed etc.

i am using "newman run https://www.getpostman.com/collections/559ca99c65470714895de" as 'Execute Windows Batch Command'.

am i missing any plug-ins? please help?

Do you have newman installed globally?Danny Dainton
collections from the url you provided is invalidrobmax
make sure you have installed node and then newman as part of your build processHarry

1 Answers


The collection link you have provided is not valid. Please make sure you have the following configurations before you run newman:

  1. npm and node installed globally on jenkins. If not refer to Node Installation
  2. newman installed globally on the jenkins. If not $ npm install -g newman
  3. please execute the command on shell (not on Windows Batch Command)
  4. Mention the cli reporter and exitCode to let jenkins know incase of any falure in the command as $ newman run <your collection goes here> -r cli --exitCode 1

Recommended: Create a node app and run your tests for advanced reporting and easy maintenance. Ex: Sample Newman Node Application with Custom Reporters