
I am basically new to Angularfire2, I am trying to delete a folder from Firebase Storage when the user presses the delete button. Unfortunately, such information is not in the Angularfire2 documentation.

I have basically tried to use the code below:

constructor(private afs: AngularFirestore, private storage: AngularFireStorage) { 
      this.clientsCollection = this.afs.collection('clients', ref => ref.orderBy('uid', 'asc'));;

   deleteClient(client, callback){

Unfortunately, it throws the following error

FirebaseStorageError {code_: "storage/object-not-found", message_: "Firebase Storage: Object '3CqyNHrIwQ3sRlj83JKM' does not exist.", serverResponse_: "{↵  "error": {↵    "code": 404,↵    "message": "Not Found.  Could not delete object"↵  }↵}", name_: "FirebaseError"}

I have stored each client's documents in a folder which has the name similar to the client's uid. Which is really just an ID generated by Firebase. I get the above error when I try to delete that folder. Please help, how do I go about this?


3 Answers


I think a better way would be to delete a file via its download URL. To do that, you can simply call storage.refFromURL(url).delete() on the instance of the injected AngularFireStorage dependency.

constructor(private storage: AngularFireStorage) { }
delete(downloadUrl) {
  return this.storage.storage.refFromURL(downloadUrl).delete();

Even if it's not in the documentation, you are using the right way to delete files using AngularFireStorage. I use it myself, and you can check it in source files.

Seems like your client.uid is not refering to any resource.

But even if it was, you're saying that "when I try to delete that folder" but according to this post you cannot delete folders, you will have to keep list of files.


You can list all items inside the folder then delete them one by one, empty folder will be removed automatically!

let folderPath = 'path/to/folder';

this.storage.storage.ref(folderPath).listAll().then(data => {
  data.items.forEach(item => {