I installed the RabbitMQ server on my machine (windows 7 enterprise) to develop code locally with spring boot. i. e. integrate spring-boot into RabbitMQ. The issue I am running into is that i am unable to basic rabbitmqctl commands such as even listing the exchanges.
It is responding with this:
rabbitmqctl list_exchanges
Error: unable to perform an operation on node 'rabbit@hostname'. Please see d
iagnostics information and suggestions below.
Most common reasons for this are:
* Target node is unreachable (e.g. due to hostname resolution, TCP connection o
r firewall issues)
* CLI tool fails to authenticate with the server (e.g. due to CLI tool's Erlang
cookie not matching that of the server)
* Target node is not running
In addition to the diagnostics info below:
* See the CLI, clustering and networking guides on http://rabbitmq.com/document
ation.html to learn more
* Consult server logs on node rabbit@hostname
attempted to contact: [rabbit@hostname]
* connected to epmd (port 4369) on hostname
* epmd reports node 'rabbit' uses port 25672 for inter-node and CLI tool traff
* TCP connection succeeded but Erlang distribution failed
* Authentication failed (rejected by the remote node), please check the Erlang
Current node details:
* node name: rabbitmqcli28@hostname
* effective user's home directory: root_to_mo_directory
any suggestions? how could I approach troubleshooting this?
google group, so I suggest you ask over there. – Gary Russell