I have a web app running with node js and passport.js and the authentication flow is working well. I'm trying to develop a react-native and to make the same authentication flow (with passport.js).
I changed the passport code to redirect back to the react-native app (with Linking) and it worked.
so the flow is:
- Open browser with the login url (/auth/google)
- User logged in
- Redirected back to native app
- send a request to verify the user is logged in - but the user is not logged in, I think because the cookies were not sent to the server
I also tried adding to the fetch credentials "same-origin" or "include" but still the user is not logged in.
Some code I used:
Linking.openURL("http://<my ip>:3000/auth/google"); //for log in
app.get('/auth/google/callback', //handle the log in with passport js
passport.authenticate('google', {
failureRedirect: '/login'
}), function(req, res) {
res.redirect('MyApp://login); // redirect back to native app
fetch("http://<my ip>:3000/api1", {credentials: /*"same-origin"*/"include"}) //get 401 -> user is not logged in
Am I missing anything?
How cookies are handled in react-native? Is it like in the web? how the cookies should be passed from the browser to the native app after redirect?