I have 2 Me.Range codes in Excel VBA that I'm testing:
With Me.Range("o4", Range("o" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.Formula = "=IF(OR(ISBLANK(A4), ISBLANK(E4), ISBLANK(F4), ISBLANK(G4), ISBLANK(H4)), """", ""1"")"
'.Value = .Value
End With
With Me.Range("p4", Range("p" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.Formula = "=IF(OR(ISBLANK(A4), ISBLANK(E4), ISBLANK(F4), ISBLANK(G4), ISBLANK(H4)), """", ""1"")"
'.Value = .Value
End With
What it supposed to do is copy the formula all the way down to my last row in Excel. And yet for some unexplained reason. The first one works fine but the other one went the complete opposite direction. Both of these are 100% identical save for the range. Why?
Full Macro
Sub syncSQL()
On Error GoTo EH
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim iRowNo As Integer, lastRow As Long, last50 As Range
Dim proj, inv, desc, edt, dt, time, details, stat, rmks, loc, okng, astk, pstk, pic, flag As String
Dim sconnect As String, ssqlstring As String
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQLQry As String, sSQLdel As String, sSQLupd As String
Dim ReturnArray
Dim sForm As String
Dim lRow As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheet7
sForm = "=IF(OR(ISBLANK(A4), ISBLANK(E4), ISBLANK(F4), ISBLANK(G4), ISBLANK(H4)), """", ""1"")"
With Me.Range("o4", Range("o" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.Value = .Value
End With
With Worksheets("Entry Form")
'Open a connection to SQL Server
sconnect = "driver={SQL Server};server=server;database=SQLIOT;uid=admin;pwd=admin"
conn.Open sconnect
'Skip the header row
iRowNo = 4
'Loop until empty cell
Do Until .Cells(iRowNo, 1) = ""
If .Cells(iRowNo, "o").Value = 0 Then
proj = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 1) & "'"
inv = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 2) & "'"
desc = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 3) & "'"
edt = "'" & Format(.Cells(iRowNo, 4), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'"
dt = "'" & Format(.Cells(iRowNo, 5), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'"
time = "'" & TimeSerial(Hour(.Cells(iRowNo, 6)), Minute(.Cells(iRowNo, 6)), Second(.Cells(iRowNo, 6))) & "'"
details = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 7) & "'"
stat = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 8) & "'"
rmks = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 9) & "'"
loc = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 10) & "'"
okng = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 11) & "'"
astk = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 12) & "'"
pstk = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 13) & "'"
pic = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 14) & "'"
flag = "'" & .Cells(iRowNo, 15) & "'"
'Replace single quote with 2 single quotes
details = "'" & Replace(.Cells(iRowNo, 7), "'", "''") & "'"
sSQLQry = "select * from [SQLIOT].[dbo].[ZDIE_MAINT_ENTRY] where [Project No] = " & proj & " And [Inv No] = " & inv & " And [Description] = " & desc & " And [Entry Date] = " & edt & " And [Date] = " & dt & " and [Time] = " & time & " and [Problem + Repair Details] = " & details & " and [Status] = " & stat & " and [Remarks] = " & rmks & " and [Location] = " & loc & " and [Measurement (OK/NG)] = " & okng & " and [Accumulative Stroke] = " & astk & " and [Preventive Stroke] = " & pstk & " and [PIC] = " & pic & " and [Flag] = " & flag & ""
rs.Open sSQLQry, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
'insert new record if doesn't exist
If rs.EOF Or rs.BOF Then
'generate & execute sql, import excel rows to sql table
ssqlstring = "insert into [SQLIOT].[dbo].[ZDIE_MAINT_ENTRY]([Project No], [Inv No], [Description], [Entry Date], [Date], [Time], [Problem + Repair Details], [Status], [Remarks], [Location], [Measurement (OK/NG)], [Accumulative Stroke], [Preventive Stroke], [PIC], [Flag]) values (" & proj & ", " & inv & ", " & desc & ", " & edt & ", " & dt & ", " & time & ", " & details & ", " & stat & ", " & rmks & ", " & loc & ", " & okng & ", " & astk & ", " & pstk & " , " & pic & " , " & flag & ")"
conn.Execute ssqlstring
'update flag status to from 0 -> 1
'.Cells(iRowNo, "o").Value = 1
End If
End If
iRowNo = iRowNo + 1
With ws
lRow = .Range("o" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = .Range("o4:o" & lRow)
With rng
.Formula = sForm
End With
lRow = .Range("p" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = Range("p4:p" & lRow)
With rng
.Formula = sForm
End With
End With
'With Me.Range("o4", Range("o" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
' .Formula = "=IF(OR(ISBLANK(A4), ISBLANK(E4), ISBLANK(F4), ISBLANK(G4), ISBLANK(H4)), """", ""1"")"
'.Value = .Value
'End With
' With Me.Range("p4", Range("p" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
' .Formula = "=IF(OR(ISBLANK(A4), ISBLANK(E4), ISBLANK(F4), ISBLANK(G4), ISBLANK(H4)), """", ""1"")"
'.Value = .Value
' End With
'MsgBox "Data imported."
Set conn = Nothing
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Debug.Print sSQLQry
Debug.Print ssqlstring
End Sub