
I m getting the following error on my local service fabric cluster node:

Error event: SourceId='System.Hosting', Property='Activation:1.0'. There was an error during activation.Failed to setup ApplicationPrincipals. Error:ApplicationPrincipalAbortableError

There is no much logs other than that, I m running VS2017 on Windows 10 with

service fabric tools version: 3.0.480.9494

service fabric runtime version: 6.1.480.9494

I executed the following for service fabric powershell scripts:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force -Scope CurrentUser

Everything is run as adminstrator. There is no errors in VS app creation and deployement output on my local cluster... I couldn't find much help on google..

I d be gratefull for some help.

Regards, Lokman.


1 Answers


It appears it is often related to privilege issues, or after checking my ApplicationManifest.xml, tried changing the Users section:

      <User Name="xxxx">
          <SystemGroup Name="Administrators" />

My windows was in french so Administrators was spelled wrongly (Administrateurs in french).