I am using spring boot 2.0 and added the below dependencies in POM
My application.yml looks like this
management.endpoints.web.base-path = /manage
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include = "*"
endpoints.prometheus.enabled = true
when I access Prometheus at
I am able to see all the metrics.
Next, my target is to see the above metrics in Prometheus UI. For this, I added the below dependencies in my POM
What are the next steps for me to see metrics in Prometheus UI, final target is to integrate Prometheus to Grafana.
PS: I did a search on google and tried adding prometheus.yml and adding annotations like @EnablePrometheusEndpoint nothing worked as all the articles are old.
Edit : Also how to configure prometheus.yml ( metrics_path, targets)if the spring boot jar is hosted in different host (Azure/AWS) and prometheus server is in different host.