I have a table with the following data:
Column A:
Country Page
Column B:
Link to post
Column C:
Date posted
I created the following query to get the last date each Country Page
=QUERY('Post Level'!A:C, "select A, max(C) where A<>'#N/A' and A<>'' group by A label max(C) 'Last Posted Date'",1)
The query works perfectly. I'd like to add also a link to the last post. So I changed it to:
=QUERY('Post Level'!A:C, "select A,B max(C) where A<>'#N/A' and A<>'' group by A,B label max(C) 'Last Posted Date'",1)
This version doesn't work. I get duplicate entries for each country.
Ideally I would like to see: Country Page
, Last Date Country Posted
, Link to last post