I have a table that I am building a report for. There are about 10 fields, but 4 of those fields may contain value(s) that users would want to filter the report by.
I was thinking I could create a parameter with a list of label/value pairs and the value portion of the parameter item would be an actual where clause for the underlying dataset like:
exceptions/where error_field like '%exception%'
counts/where count_field > 100
2016/where year_field = 2016
I tried dataset:
select error_field, count_field, year_field from mytable
I also tried(leaving where out of parameter value):
select error_field, count_field, year_field from mytable
where @filter
Both dataset queries failed to save. I am thinking I could include all the varying where clauses inside the dataset query statement, but it may require different parameters but how can they be empty unless I used 1=1 as default value. I only wanted to use a single parameter tho.
Any other ideas?
Thank you.