I'm trying to Import a table from "https://www.ebay.com/itm/100-NEW-ALTERNATOR-VW-GOLF-GTI-GL-GLS-1-8T-1-8-2L-99-06-90A-1-YR-WARRANTY-13852/301364941754?fits=Model%3AJetta&hash=item462ac013ba:g:v7oAAOSw~YRagU4N&vxp=mtr" to a Google Spread sheet using =IMPORTXML function, The Formula I was using as below,
A2 = //*[@id="w1-20ctbl"]
But it returns nothing and It says "Imported content is empty."
Can Somebody help me, I'm new to google sheet scripting and I'll really grateful if somebody can help me.
waiting to hearing from somebody....