Is it possible to setup a pubsub topic/subscriber in one project that does a http PUSH to a cloud function in the same OR in another google project? I know there are PubSub triggers but these do not work when the pubsub topic is in another google project. Curious if this even doable with a subscriber PUSH.
Error I get thiis pubsub error INVALID_ARGUMENT if I try to create it. I wasn't sure if this was because I needed to register the endpoint ( However that didn't feel right because when I create a function, the URL is given to me automatically and I can hit it via Postman.
I did find this link (GCP - Verify ownership of a cloud function https endpoint for a PubSub push) and think it is url-verification related.. just want a confirmation :)
Thoughts? Did I miss some documentation somewhere?
EDIT: I think it's related to URL verification as well as using the ../_ah/push-handlers/..
path. When I register a PubSub trigger, the delivery type to the function is still a PUSH but it's to a encoded url with more of a path: https://{hash}-dot-{hash}{project-id}/topics/prototype-contact-created?pubsub_trigger=true
url="https://us-central1-<project>", project_id="<pid>").
" so this error is because of unverified endpoints. – Andy Fusniak