I'm trying to add a private self-signed certificate to an Azure App Service (as in the screenshot at the bottom) via the REST API (in PowerShell). I call the API as follows:
$certBody = @{
name = "InfoServiceTAKeyVaultDev"
location = "West Europe"
properties = @{
keyVaultId = "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/BzInfoServiceTADEV/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/BzKVInfoServiceTADev"
keyVaultSecretName = "InfoServiceTAKeyVaultCert"
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Method Put `
-Uri ("https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>" +
"/resourceGroups/BzInformatieServiceResourceGroupDEV" +
"/providers/Microsoft.Web/certificates" +
"/InfoServiceTAKeyVaultDev" +
"?api-version=2016-03-01") `
-Headers @{ Authorization = ("Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSU...")
"Content-Type" = "application/json" } `
-Body ($certBody | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 3)
The result is an error message: The service does not have access to
'/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourcegroups/bzinfoservicetadev/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/bzkvinfoservicetadev' Key Vault. Please make sure that you
have granted necessary permissions to the service to perform the request operation.
In this context, who is 'the service' that does not have access to this Key Vault? I already found some posts claiming I should add service principal abfa0a7c-a6b6-4736-8310-5855508787cd
to my Key Vault access policies but that does not have any effect.
Screenshot of the desired end result:
UPDATE: I had already enabled the advanced access policy Enable access to Azure Resource Manager for template deployment. This also does not do the trick.
which shows up asMicrosoft.Azure.WebSites
. You can add this through the portal, by adding an access policy forMicrosoft.Azure.WebSites
or through arm with the GUID. – Tim Scriv